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Fun in Church

By Fr Geoff

From time to time in all of our little churches we have a type of service which is different from the run of the mill worship; these are usually titled “Songs of Praise”; the idea is to do something a little less formal, not quite so rigid, and bringing together some of the things we like most about “church”.

Usually a group of people will be asked to chose their favourite hymns (without having to adhere to the theme for that Sunday); others will be asked to suggest well-loved readings from books, poetry and scripture (indeed from any reasonable source); the music is provided by church bands (Merriott Madness for example is led by the band from Merriott Church), brass bands (like the one from Kingsbury), organists, piano players and Soloists.

The idea is that we “have fun in church” and let our hair down (if I had any!), relax and not worry about liturgy and order. Why not? Sometimes I get so swept up in organising so many different regular, formal acts of worship that the joy of prayer and praise disappears, and it should be a joy.

I think perhaps that we can all be guilty of taking ourselves and our services too seriously, after all Jesus and his followers, two thousand years ago, must have had some fun and laughter – didn’t they.

You have to read between the lines of the gospels quite carefully to find anything other than straight-laced commentary, but it is there if you look and reflect.

Jesus was a charismatic figure who attracted huge crowds; could this have happened if he was only ever deadly serious? His closest friends spent three years with him, day in and day out; did they never share a joke, tease each other, take the mickey, play tricks on one another. Even in the strictest working, professional or military environment, co-workers engage in banter and good natured horsing around and the best leaders are those who – whilst maintaining the dignity and respect of their position – can get alongside those they lead and share in the fun as much as the hard work. Surely Jesus was of the same nature.

In scripture Jesus portrays many emotions – anger, frustration, grief, love – but nowhere does it mention laughter and humour …… but do we truly believe that this was not apart of his life and ministry?

What do you think?


Over the past few years minor changes have been made to the service routines at each church so that they are more applicable to the needs of the villages, and this has worked very well. However it has been done piece-meal and so has led to the service rota – as a whole – being quite unbalanced; for example on the first Sunday of the month we have a total of five services and on the fourth Sunday there are eight; first Sunday I need two people to help me lead worship and on the fourth I need five!

To even all this out there will be some minor changes to the pattern of worship FROM 1ST SEPTEMBER. This applies mainly to the first and second Sundays and does not affect all churches, so it is worth everyone checking service times - in advance. (The Vicar)


Once again village churches in our deanery have very kindly invited us to join them for Evensong. Many of you were able to go to similar services last year – they were lovely summer evenings; the settings were breathtaking, and the opportunity to share in this age-old service was very special.

The last service of the season is:

Sept 13th at 6.30pm: St. Martin, Kingsbury Episcopi.

From the Church Registers:

12th AugustEvan Newbury, funeral and burial (with his son) at Barrington
15th AugustOscar Marshall, baptised at Shepton Beauchamp.
15th AugustCharles Mason of Cudworth and Therese Bjorn,entered into Holy Matrimony at Ilminster.
22nd AugustAlexander St John Wright and Caroline Appleton entered into Holy Matrimony at Shepton Beauchamp.
22nd AugustTimothy Vinney and Joanna Hards entered into Holy Matrimony at Barrington.

David and Sue Tucker

David & Sue invite you to a
First Sunday Worship – 10.30am – Sunday 6th September 2009
Stocklinch Village Hall

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