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Pre-school web site

Shepton Pre - School

Member No. PLA 29989 Registered Charity No. 1023280

Shepton Pre-School News

Update for May 2009

The Pre-School welcomed several new children to their longer sessions from the Pre-3's group and new Pre-3s joined after the Easter holidays and they have settled in very well.

We have welcomed many visitors this term already as our focus has been “when I grow up”. The Ambulance Service, Community Police, a Doctor and Nurse, Dog Trainer and Groomer and Diver to name a few! We also paid a visit to Martock Fire Station which proved great fun as usual - I wonder who got the wetest! We would like to thank all these people within our community and and surrounding villages for giving up their time for our benefit.

Thank You! All the children have been practicing their running races for our Sports Day on Summer Sunday which will take place on Sunday 14th June, and during our Wednesday sessions have been enjoying taking part in the new PD sessions, changing into their PD kit in preparation for School.

Any new parents, don't forget our Toddler sessions on a Monday afternoon, come along for a cup of tea and a chat, you will be very welcome. For further information about the Pre-School or Toddler Group please contact us.

2022/11/01 08:10

March Update

The second half of the Spring term is now underway and the children continue to explore their senses starting March off with taste going on to talk about their teeth and then on to hearing and before we know it, it will be Easter and time for our Easter Bonnet competition!

During this term the children have been benefiting from the close links with the School and have been meeting up for an afternoon of joint activities which they have all enjoyed. More formal visits for the pre-school children will be starting this month in preparation for September!

We have a couple of fundraisers coming up The Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night on 6th March - tickets available from the village shop or Faye on 01460 242317. Bags2School clothes, toys and soft furnishings collection is happening again on 29th April. Any bags can be dropped off before that date at the village hall during Pre-school hours.

Our popular Wellie Walks are continuing to the Easter holidays and then the Summer Activities begin in preparation for our Summer Sunday Sports on 13th June. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us on the above number.

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Wine & Wisdom 6th March 2010

The doors will open at 7.45pm and the quiz will start at 8pm.

Tickets £20 per team of 4, will include a delicious home made 2 course meal.

Lots of wine on sale to help the brain cells!

Contact Faye Gladwin 01460 242317 to enter a team - remember a team name.

Prizes for the super brains and the not-so-super brains!

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Visit from The Little Big Bang - April 2010

The children and also the staff at Shepton Beauchamp Pre-school have had great fun when they joined Hannah Lefeuvre when she came to visit as part of The Little Big Bang Project Dance and Movement Outreach Work in pre-schools. The children used their imagination and lots of body movements as they grew like seeds. (even growing through grass- feet coming through!)

2022/11/01 08:10
playgroup/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by