Table of Contents
Neighbourhood Watch
If you are new to the village, we would like to welcome you, and tell you a little about ourselves. The Neighbourhood Watch group has been active in the village for several years, but membership dropped off and the group was not really working well. As part of our Parish Plan, the group was reformed, and has become more active in the last couple of years.
Though our region does not experience high levels of crime, we feel that fostering good neighbourliness, and keeping an eye on our community is always important, and that is what we try to do.
There is a very loose structure, with no money involved! We meet every 2 months to discuss any problems or issues that have arisen. See calendar for meeting dates. We are very well supported by our local Police Community Support Officer Michelle Haimes, who keeps us informed about what might be a local problem, and helps with Crime Prevention initiatives, and general raising of awareness locally.
We would like to thank South Somerset Homes for their support, and particularly Vicky Saunders, the warden at Buttle Close, who makes us so welcome.
- For more info see
- Police Phone Numbers :
- Non-urgent incidents : 0845 456 7000
- For emergencies ring : 999 National Neighbourhood and Home Watch Web Site
Primary Contacts
Name | Telephone | ||
Co-ordinator | Mary Clarke | 01460 240 363 | |
Deputy co-ordinator | Mike Stephens | 01460 242 466 | |
Local Contacts
We try to have a local contact person for each part of the village, and they can help with any immediate problems.
2011 Meeting Dates
Meetings are held on Mondays in the Common Room Buttle Close starting 8pm
Monday 21st March | 16th May | 18th July | 19th September | 21st November |
Current Topics
Meeting Notes March 2011
Notes on NHW meeting held on Monday 21st March 2011. There were eight members in attendance, and aplogies from some people on holiday.
Our PCSO Rachel Napper was not available as she was not on duty. In advance she answered queries raised by community members about the danger caused to traffic in Lambrook Rd by the chip van, which parks west of the Piece Lane entrance. After inspecting the area, she could see no problem to be rectified. There had been a problem caused to residents in Lambrook Rd by rowdy revellers at 2.30 am on Sunday 13th March, who threw post against a house, and also emptied the contents of the dog mess bin on the path. Unfortunately this was not reported while the activity was taking place, and the Police were unable to intervene.
Please remember that when a crime is occurring (such as criminal damage) ring 999. A Police car in the area will be directed to the scene. For reporting incidents that have already occurred, ring 0845 456 7000. Always ask for an incident number, so you can track the progress of any investigation, and to ensure it is recorded. Remember that I cannot report incidents, those involved must do so themselves.
Apart from these incidents, we have no further reports of problems. Other matters raised were:- information about an open day at the new South Petherton Community hospital which will take place on Saturday 26th March between 10 am and 2 pm.
Advance notice of the Launch of Cowleaze Meadow Project which will take place on Saturday 21st May, from 1pm onwards. The Meadow will be opened by local MP David Laws, the school will perform a Maypole dance, and there will be food and drink available, with local musicians playing during the afternoon. Everyone is invited. More information nearer the date.
Concern about Library closures were expressed.
The project by Western Power to switch off street lights during the hours of darkness is still being considered.
Mary H Clarke , 25/03/2011
Next meeting Monday 16th May 2011.
Meeting Notes July 2011
Notes on Neighbourhood Watch meeting held on Monday 18th July 2011 There was a good turnout of 8 people, but fortunately nothing much to report. Our PCSO Rachel Napper has not attended our meetings for a while, and did not attend the latest Parish Council meeting. However there do not seem to have been any incidents recently, for which we are grateful.
Reports from group of shed break in at builders workshop, van break-in in Seavington, strimmer stolen from trailer in Hinton St George. This should reinforce the advice to leave no goods on display in cars and vans, and to lock vehicles when not attended. There always seems to be someone ready to take advantage of our lack of care.
The pothole reporting to Highways Dept of Somerset County Council is still on-going.
We are advised to take care of empty houses left unoccupied due to holidays, hospital stays and other events. Any suspicious activity should be reported to Police.
Concern has also been raised about speeding motorbikes in the centre of the village. The noise and apparent lack of care and caution is worrying.
It was suggested we should have a “Raising awareness of NHW” in the autumn, but not much enthusiasm was displayed! However we are always open to suggestions. I apologise for no notes produced after last meeting. There were no major concerns raised.
Next meeting Monday 19th September at 8pm in Buttle Close
Mary H Clarke, 22/07/2011
Contact tel; 01460 240 363
Meeting Notes January 2013
Notes on meeting held on Monday 21st January 2013 at Buttle Close.
Seven members attended, as did our PCSO Ceara Sturt, and our new Beat manager Alan Hollick. Ceara told us of incidents in the area recently, which included theft of gas cylinders in the Robins Lane/ Church St area. There have been similar thefts in South Petherton. Thefts from oil tanks do not seem to be a problem at the moment.
Over the New Year period there were a set of goal posts thrown against the Muga in the Rec, and removed for safety by local residents.
We explained to our new beat manager that the village was generally fairly low in crime, though there had been some incidents of vandalism after some social events last year, though the Jubilee celebrations were generally trouble free.
Alan Hollick expressed an interest in being informed about coming events, so a Police presence could be there, if possible, just to meet the locals. When we have his contact details, this will happen. It is not clear if Police are informed when a licence to sell alcohol at public events is issued.
A resident inquired about the road marking at the junction of Robins Lane and Church Street. These white lines prohibit parking on the corners to allow safe access, but are often parked on for long periods. Apparently white lines are now the responsibility of the highways dept of the SCC, and not the Police. ThePolice are are now responsible for zigzag lines!
We also discussed reporting Road traffic accidents. If an accident occurs, the person at fault should leave their personal details with the injured party, if possible. If this is not possible, the details of the incident should be reported to the local Police. If there is no injury to people, and all the exchange of details has taken place, the Police do not need to be informed.
We have all noticed the increasing numbers of parked cars on the roads, and feel that drivers go too fast on many occasions. In the coming months there will be a SID (speed indicator device) located in Lambrook Road, which will show if people are going too fast. I believe this will not be a permanent structure.
We were also reminded of sensible advice for drivers in the present weather conditions: Make sure windscreens are clear to enable visibility; have enough fuel to complete journey, and also for heating if you get stuck; have warm clothes, hot drinks and emergency food such as chocolate; keep your mobile phone charged up; check route is safe before leaving; drive carefully. A shovel and sacking etc in the boot can sometimes help. Mary Clarke 23/1/2013
June 2010 Lead being Stolen
Our Community Support Officer Charlie Rogers has alerted us to the fact that there has been a spate of thefts of lead from roofs, bay windows etc in South Petherton. I believe the Police Post has also lost some lead. Please be alert, and inform the police of any suspicious activity. Only ring 999 if a crime is in progress,so otherwise ring 0845 456 7000.
There have also been increased numbers of thefts from sheds-garden tools, and equipment, from gardens - planters, furniture etc.
Please keep things locked away when not in use. Watch out for neighbour's properties when they are on holiday.
Enjoy the good weather while it lasts.
Neighbourhood Watch 2010 Meetings
Meetings are held every two months on the 3rd Monday in the month in Buttle close Common Room.
Monday 18th January 8pm
Monday 15th March 8pm
Monday 17th May 8pm
Monday 19th July 8pm
Monday 20th September 8pm
Monday 15th November 8pm
All residents, especially those who are new to the village are invited to attend and find out how we can support each other in a safe environment and how you can help to make it a better place in which to live.
Contact Mary Clarke (01460 240363) or Mike Stephens (01460 242466)
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Blog History
- 01 - Theft of Tools - F344 010408
- 01 - Shed/Property Marking - Saturday 18th April 2009
- 01 - Meeting Notes November 2012
- 01 - neighbourwatch:meetings:meeting_notes_monday_19th_november_2007
- 01 - Meeting Notes March 2011
- 01 - Meeting Notes July 2011
- 01 - Meeting Notes January 2013
- 01 - June 2010 Lead being Stolen
- 01 - Neighbourhood Watch 2010 Meetings
- 01 - Send NHW a Message
- 01 - Meeting Notes
- 01 - Heating Oil Thefts - Notice # F333 061207
- 01 - Avon & Somerset Police Authority Vacancy
- 01 - Neighbourhood Watch
- 01 - January 2011
- 01 - Notes on meeting 15th November 2010
- 01 - neighbourwatch:meetings:reports20070813
- 01 - Police Authority seek 3 new Independent Members
- 01 - NHW Meeting November 2007
- 01 - Secure your Oil F358
- 01 - Meeting Notes September 2011
- 01 - Door to Door Callers - July 2010
- 01 - NHW Local Contacts List
- 01 - 19th January 2009 Meeting Notes
- 01 - September 2008 Meeting Notes
- 01 - Meeting Monday 17th November 2008
- 01 - Meeting Notes 19th May 2008
- 01 - Meeting Notes March 2008
- 01 - July 2008 Meeting Notes
- 01 - 23 January 2008 Meeting Notes
- 01 - 17th September 2007 Meeting Notes
- 01 - Meeting Notes 17th May 2010
- 01 - Monday 15th March
- 01 - Meeting Notes 19th July 2010
- 01 - Meeting Notes January 2010
- 01 - Meeting 21 Sept 2009
- 01 - Meeting Notes November 2009
- 01 - Meeting Notes 18th May 2009
- 01 - March 2009
- 01 - Meeting 20th July 2009
- 01 - 19th November 2007 Meeting Notes
- 01 - 13th August 2007 Meeting Notes