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January 2011

Notes on meeting held on Monday 17th January 2011. 7 members in attendance with several apologies.

Tony Vertannes has resigned from the group, and we would like to thank him for his participation over the last few years. His neighbour Tim Brookman has kindly offered to take Tony’s place, and keep an eye on Washcross. We would like to welcome him to the group.

We have had incidents of vandalism and anti-social behaviour reported to us in the last few weeks, and these are causing distress to people, particularly elderly frail members of our community. This is a community problem, and it is up to all of us to help do something about it.

We will be in touch with the Police to discuss a way forward. It is the case that Police cannot act without information, and people may be fearful of retaliation if they report incidents.

I have been informed that incidents can be reported anonymously and will still be dealt with. We also feel that when incidents are reported, that a promised response should take place, and the outcome fed back to those involved.

A house in Lambrook Rd has been targeted by youths banging on windows and running off in the late evening, kicking footballs at windows etc. The occupants have been very upset and frightened. Our PCSO Rachel Napper has now been to see them and discussed responses.

As always only use the 999 number for emergencies only, and that could involve feeling very frightened. All other reports can be made on 0845 456 7000. Any patrol car in the area can be contacted, and rapidly arrive.

There have also been reports of motor bikes being ridden around the parking area outside Buttle Close. This anti social and noisy activity has occurred at dusk, and caused alarm to some residents. Again reporting the incident when it is progress will allow Police intervention.

The phone calls, supposedly from a security firm visiting the areas, and offering to check your home security have not produced any reports of unwanted activity, so I hope there were no problems. Remember—you do not have to let people into your home. Always check ID, and phone the named organization for confirmation.
Next meeting Monday 21st March 2011-01-19

Mary H Clarke 19/1/2011

neighbourwatch/2011jan.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by