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13th August 2007 Meeting Notes

This was a very successful meeting in which many topics were covered. Present:- PCSO Michelle Haimes, Tony Vertannes, Roger Cripps, Nell Stephens, Ron Cornellius, Keith Rolandson and Mary Clarke.

Michelle informed us that though we lived in a low crime area, there were ongoing problems of which we needed to be aware. There is a spate of thefts from vans in the South Petherton area. These are tradesmen’s vehicles, and often contain valuable tools and equipment. All owners are warned to be careful about security, and where vans are parked overnight etc. If the Police are to be aware of crime in the area, thefts and other incidents must be reported. Only the person who has suffered from the offence can do this.

The number to ring to report a non-urgent incident is 0845 456 7000. For emergencies ring 999.

The spate of thefts of handbags from cars at about school collecting time has stopped, but no doubt this is due to the school holidays. All are asked to take care not to leave valuables on view in their cars, to be aware that someone may be watching then put their handbag under the seat etc, and to never leave their car unlocked when unattended.

The incidents of distraction burglaries continue. Apparently this is now more common than break-ins, as there is less risk, and often older people keep large sums of money in their homes.

In order to help prevent crimes of this type, the Police have been targeting vulnerable people in local villages, to offer advice about home security and other safety matters, We are all asked to identify those on our patch who might like to talk to someone on these issues when the Ilminster area will be part of a similar scheme in a few months time. Can you let me know anyone who has expressed an interest, so we can pass details to Michelle? I will contact the Seniors group, and see if they can give us any names, and also if they would like Michelle to do a talk for their members at some time.

In order to make sure that all newcomers are aware of the existence of NHW we hope to give each new resident an invite to our next meeting. I will enclose a draft that you might like to use as an introduction if you could call on, or leaflet each relevant person in your area.

Next meeting Mon 17th Sept at 8pm in Buttle Close Common Room Mary H Clarke

neighbourwatch/2007aug.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by